Sunday, May 21, 2006

[Latest CPU] - - From: $268 to $292

From: $268 to $292
Digital Animators - CPU Power in 2006 There is going to be a leap in computing power the likes we haven t seen in a few years By Mark Dileo 2006 is shaping up to be an exciting year for micro-processor developments. The Pentium III 733MHz was released October 26

McNealy: Google opaque friend, IBM top rival
ZDNet Blogs - Following the morning keynote at JavaOne, Scott McNealy discussed his new role at Sun and took a few questions from the press. He half-joked that he was thrilled not be CEO. "It's a temporary thing I took over 22 years ago," he said. In reference to

Testing Times - The RDTSC instruction lets applications determine the number of machine cycles that have elapsed since the CPU was powered up, and places a 64-bit value in EDX:EAX . Subtracting the value obtained just before a code sequence from that obtained once

Windows done right
Computerworld - AND now, the moment you ve all been waiting for . Such a buildup usually guarantees an anti-climax, but with Windows 2003 Server x64 Editions and AMD Opteron CPUs, get ready for the thrill that keeps on thrilling. The 64-bit extended address

Stealth update reported to address MacBook Pro cooling issues
Ars Technica - Since the release of the MacBook Pro, Apple's first Intel-based Mac laptop, its mega-coolness has been marred by widespread complaints including too hot-running temperatures and an annoying whine emanating from its sleek, shiny aluminum bad self

Have It Your Way
Popular Mechanics - Your personal computer could be a lot more personal. For most computer users, the desktop is little more than a clutter of shortcut icons obscuring a vacation picture, while the Web browser serves as a simple windowpane to the Internet. But, software

Coming Soon
Hampton Union - TWO YARD SALES to benefit Exeter High School track programs will be held Saturday, May 20, at 24 Front St. and 9 Hampton Road. Both start at 8 a.m. For more information, call Pam at 772-9542. GARAGE AND BAKE SALE to benefit the Eventide Home will be


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