Saturday, May 20, 2006

[Latest CPU] - - Have It Your Way

Have It Your Way
Popular Mechanics - Your personal computer could be a lot more personal. For most computer users, the desktop is little more than a clutter of shortcut icons obscuring a vacation picture, while the Web browser serves as a simple windowpane to the Internet. But, software

Sun lays out Java road maps - Sun Microsystems executives revealed at the JavaOne conference on Tuesday future Java technologies being pondered, including Project Semplice, which will enable Visual Basic developers to use Java. Also discussed were Project Phobos, which supports

Sun Intros Four New Plug-Ins for NetBeans IDE
Linux Insider - "Encouraging collaboration among the core developers in the NetBeans community is a sure way to drive improvements in performance and productivity on our platform," said Terri Hall, vice president, software alliances, AMD. Discover Linux software


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