Monday, May 01, 2006

[Latest CPU] - - Plan for next operating system: Windows Vista

Plan for next operating system: Windows Vista
This Ithaca Journal - Apr 29 2:28 AM
Before you know it, January 2007 will be here. That's when Microsoft says its new operating system, Windows Vista, will be released to consumers. (It is expected to be ready for businesses this November).Save to My Web

Oracle Database Vault to lock down DBAs
ARNnet - Apr 27 3:15 PM
Oracle is readying a new add-on to its enterprise database software that will give users more control over how their data is accessed. Called Database Vault, the software will be introduced Wednesday at Oracle's Collaborate 06 User Group Conference, in Nashville, Tennessee.Save to My Web

Xbox 360: CPU Upgrade Confirmed
Spong - Apr 24 1:19 AM
Faster, cooler, thinner, gorgeousSave to My Web

Heroes OAE open beta ( News )
EuroGamer - Apr 28 1:05 AM
GSC Game World's offering PC gamers a chance to sample its upcoming real-time strategy and RPG cross-breed, Heroes of Annihilated Empires, by way of an open beta release.Save to My Web


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