Tuesday, May 02, 2006

[Latest CPU] - - Real-time clock integrates EEPROM

Real-time clock integrates EEPROM
Electronic Engineering Times - Intersil Corp. introduced a new family of real-time clocks that integrate 4Kbits of EEPROM (2 million write cycles) and CPU supervisory functions, in a small footprint package designed for space-constrained applications. Intersil's ISL12026/27/28/29

OpenBSD 3.9 Released Category: SOFTPEDIA NEWS :: Linux
Softpedia - OpenBSD 3.9 has been released today, 1 May 2006. It has many improvements and bug fixes over the previous version, 3.8. Here is the official release announcement: "We are pleased to announce the release of OpenBSD 3.9. This is our 19th release on CD

Solaris 10 to Get Its New 128-Bit File System
eWeek - Users of Sun Microsystems' supported Solaris 10 operating system will finally get the new 128-bit ZFS (zettabyte file system), which brings virtually unlimited data capacity. Sun executives will use the Network Computing event in Washington on May 2


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