Wednesday, May 03, 2006

[Latest CPU] - - Redeployment will improve delivery, SAPS says

Redeployment will improve delivery, SAPS says
Independent Online - May 03 6:02 AM
The South African Police Service has dismissed concerns that disbanding some specialised units at area level will have a negative effect.Save to My Web

Space Cube is the world's smallest PC
MobileMag - May 02 10:06 AM
Think you have a small little PC that hardly takes up any space on your desktop? You havent seen anything yet. I havent seen your PC, but I know that the Space Cube is much smaller. The worlds smallest PC measures just 2 x 2 x 2.2 inches.Save to My Web

Startup FireEye debuts with 'virtual-machine' security
ARNnet - May 02 3:33 PM
Startup FireEye made its debut, announcing plans to ship a switch-based network-access control appliance next month that will let customers identify network-borne malware and attacks in order to quickly contain them.Save to My Web

Consider the strengths and weaknesses of IPSec and SSL before picking the technology thats right for your virtual
Government Computer News - May 01 7:01 PM
The saga of the Labor Departments attempt to outfit Mine Safety and Health Administration employees with remote access through virtual private networks serves as a minihistory of the technology.Save to My Web

Space Rangers 2: Dominators (PC) - May 03 1:39 PM
CPU: k.A. RAM: k.A. Grafikkarte: k.A. Anzahl Spieler: k.A. Die Verantwortung f r die Inhalte der gelinkten Seiten liegt bei den jeweiligen Seitenbetreibern und wird nicht von GameCaptain bernommen!Save to My Web

LBM Systems upgrades AXIAR Output Management Software
Enterprise Networks and Servers - May 03 1:09 PM
LBM Systems has announced a major new release of its AXIAR output management software that adds cross-platform output management software to AS/400 environments.Save to My Web

My desktop OS: Kubuntu Breezy
NewsForge - May 02 7:12 AM
I'm an open source developer and a freelance writer, and I rely on my laptop. I've been using Linux for eight years, and I'm pretty comfortable with the command line. I don't shy from compiling a kernel, or rewriting init scripts to get things working properly. I'm a little weary though from the bad old days of having to fight with Linux to get my computer to work properly. I'm developing a Save to My Web

Mellanox and Novell Drive High Bandwidth Virtualization Into Data Centers
SYS-CON Media - May 03 2:37 PM
Mellanox(TM) TechnologiesLtd., the leader in business and technical computing interconnects,announced its collaboration with Novell to build an integrated solutionthat delivers Xen 3.0.2 virtualization in conjunction with Mellanox's20Gb/s InfiniBand fabric solutions on top of Novell's SUSE Linux Enterprise10 platform.Save to My Web

DRC Announces Reconfigurable Coprocessor for Accelerated Supercomputing
[Press Release] Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance - May 02 3:00 AM
SANTA CLARA, Calif.----May 2, 2006--DRC today announces their selection by Cray Inc. to provide a new Coprocessor Module as a massively parallel reconfigurable option for future Cray supercomputers.Save to My Web


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