Monday, July 03, 2006

[Latest CPU] - - Dick Tracy's New Linux Box?

Dick Tracy's New Linux Box?
Slashdot - Jun 29 8:26 AM
An anonymous reader writes "The Zypad is a new arm-wearable computer right out of Futurama. It can run Windows CE or Linux and has a 400 MHz CPU, 64MB Flash memory, 3.5 inch screen. The Zypad leaves the user's hands free it has no keyboard, just a touchscreen and navigation keys. Voice recognition is 'being developed.' It turns on only when you look at it, so it saves power. It has GPS and Save to My Web

KVM switches old computers
Belleville News-Democrat - Jul 04 1:19 AM
There are countless reasons we sometimes wind up with two of something in the home. However when it comes to computers, it's usually because either other household members want another computer so they don't have to share, or the original one is getting really old and it's time to get a new model. If it's the first scenario, welcome to a lot more peace and quiet in the home. Now let's look at the Save to My Web

The Ultimate Do-It-Yourself Linux Box
Linux Journal - Jun 30 7:12 PM
Start with the ultimate AMD64 motherboard and build on it to create a masterpiece of your own.Save to My Web

Video Review of HTC MTeoR - the first MS Smartphone with 3G / UMTS
MS Mobiles - Jul 02 11:23 PM
Here comes nice video review of HTC Breeze that will be sold also by HTC itself under the name HTC MTeoR. This review doesn't just contain views of the phone from all angles (including close-ups of the phone and screen shots), but also detailed voice descriptions of this phone.Save to My Web


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