[Latest CPU] - - Review: Samsung Q1
Review: Samsung Q1
TechWeb - Jul 10 9:09 AM
While the Samsung Q1 UMPC is a neat device that combines the functionality of a lot of gadgets into a single unit with a footprint the size of a large paperback, it is far too expensive and you can get much of the same functionality in a sub-notebook (with built-in keyboard and optical drive and a larger screen) or a PDA-cell phone. What's more, it lacks office productivity software and runs hot.Save to My Web
RAID Problems With Intel Core 2?
Slashdot - Jul 06 1:17 PM
Nom du Keyboard writes "The Inquirer is reporting that the new Intel Core 2 processors Woodcrest and Conroe are suffering badly when running RAID 5 disk arrays, even when using non-Intel controllers. Can Intel afford to make a misstep now with even in the small subset of users running RAID 5 systems?" From the article: "The performance in benchmarks is there, but the performance in real world Save to My Web
Microsoft revamps Vista Performance Rating utility
Ars Technica - Jul 07 9:55 AM
Microsoft has updated the performance rating utility that comes with Windows Vista, in an attempt to more clearly communicate to the user how well Vista will run on their computer. Will your PC go to 11? Save to My Web
Taiwan market: High-end Sonoma NBs stuck in no man's land
Digi Times - Jul 06 8:57 PM
Notebook PC Inventory levels in the channel have increased significantly since the beginning of the second quarter, as sales of Sonoma notebooks have slowed amid a migration to the Napa platform, according to sources in the channel.Save to My Web
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