Sunday, August 06, 2006

[Latest CPU] - - Performance analysis of OpenOffice and MS Office

Performance analysis of OpenOffice and MS Office
ZDNet Blogs - It doesn't matter how fast the CPU is, OpenOffice is simply bloated. To get more granular and detailed memory and processor consumption data, I downloaded a copy of Process Explorer from SysInternals and used it to gather a wide range of Data. Here is a

TaskPower 2: Monitor and control apps, tasks, services, and drivers
PC Magazine - View CPU and memory usage by applications, tasks, and services. This enables you to quickly determine which process are hogging resources and shut them down if they're unnecessary. Shutdown, Power Off, Restart, Log off, Hibernate, or place your

VMware Virtual Infrastructure 3 Suite
NewsFactor Network - The launch of VMware's Virtual Infrastructure 3 suite, which should be available by the time you read this, brings a new version of ESX Server with many enhanced features. On the back end, VMware has added support for quad-CPU VMs, with up to 16 GB

Current Leakage Tool Could Boost Transmeta's Efficeon Current Leakage
TechWeb - One of the few technical details the company reserved for the launch was an updated power management scheme used in the Efficeon that mitigates current leakage in the CPU. Transmeta has been working on Efficeon for four years. The part is widely seen

Program Agenda - Day 1
Infoworld - Here, we'll talk about those challenges, how engineers have overcome them, and how new Intel and AMD CPU technology will change the picture for IT. Moderated by Tom Yager, Test Center Chief Technologist, InfoWorld Simon Crosby, CTO, XenSource James

CPU Surplus Swells On Intel Inventory Glut
CRN - By now, most system builders selling desktop systems have realized there's an oversupply of some Intel processors. But the size of the swell may come as a surprise. Research firm iSuppli reported July 31 that worldwide surplus semiconductor inventory


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