Sunday, March 04, 2007

[Latest CPU] - - AMD/ATI Showcase "Teraflop in a Box" System Category: SOFTPEDIA NEWS

AMD/ATI Showcase "Teraflop in a Box" System Category: SOFTPEDIA NEWS
Softpedia - event in San Francisco, California, where AMD demonstrated a "Teraflop in a Box" system running a standard version of Microsoft Windows XP Professional that was equipped with one AMD Opteron dual-core CPU coupled with two next-generation AMD R600

AMD Responds to Intel with its Own Teraflop Concept
Beta News - Last month at the International Solid-State Circuits Conference, Intel showed off a kind of "concept CPU," the way automobile manufacturers at the Auto Show in Detroit parade their concept vehicles. Intel's model was observed to have performed at a

Galactic Civilizations II: Dark Avatar
Game Info Wire - For the expansion pack, players will be given new options on just how the computer player will play (what algorithms it will make use of, whether it will "cheat" or not, how much CPU to give it) in order for players to get the best experience

Video: Henri Richard comes out swinging at Intel during AMD press
ZDNet Blogs - came through the ATI acquisition), and executive VP of the Computing Products Group Mario Rivas took turns at the podium to deliver a report card on how the company is doing as it manages the merger of the ATI and AMD and the integrated CPU/GPU

Xbox 360 hacked some more
The Inquirer - People have speculated that Microsoft have probably blown an eFuse in the custom IBM CPU which will probably ensure older kernels can't be utilised, as the previous attempts to code a kernel downgrader won't work with a kernel of 4552 or higher.

Hardware-based rootkit detection proven unreliable
ZDNet Blogs - At this year's Black Hat DC conference, Rutkowska demonstrated three different attacks against AMD64 based systems, showing how the image of volatile memory (RAM) can be made different from the real contents of the physical memory as seen by the CPU.

Recipient E-mail
DailyTech - I have seen many times over people saying ps3 is superior in graphics, yet the only thing superior about ps3 is its cpu. I know its 2 different things, yet people think more about cell than they do about rsx. Anyway, Amd did the right thing and


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