Monday, May 01, 2006

[Latest CPU] - - Please, abuse my video card!! MoBo/CPU that will do so?

Please, abuse my video card!! MoBo/CPU that will do so?
CNET Reviews - 4 hours ago Ok, here's the deal. I have the ABIT NF7 with a XP 2500+ cpu. I know that it's my MoBo and CPU that's holding this creature back.

AMD recalls 3,000 opterons
iT News, Australia - 17 hours ago inconsistent results upon the convergence of three simultaneous events: the running of floating point-intensive code sequences with high CPU temperatures and

OSC Lowers Computing Fee to $1/CPU-hr
HPCwire, CA - Apr 17, 2006 Effective April 1, 2006, OSC's business clients can use some of the most advanced high performance computing resources for $1 per CPU hour.

Arranging the DEC chairs at HP
ZDNet - 9 hours ago support -and that industry standard thing? well, I guess they're up the market without a CPU. Sun, meanwhile, doesn't exactly get

IBM announces CPU-level security architecture
Ars Technica, MA - Apr 11, 2006 become compromised by attacking the data as it is moved off-chip, the SecureBlue solution plays to the paranoid by keeping everything on the CPU itself.

Cheapest Intel CPU is now 25
Inquirer, UK - Apr 25, 2006 As we've reported over a period of many weeks, Intel slashed prices on existing microprocessors last weekend, and prices on its Celeron D range are now rock

[Help] Cpu lag problems
Atomic, Australia - Apr 30, 2006 The other thing is it seems to be my system idle process that takes up the most cpu usage in task manager atm it says 88 under the cpu area.

Xbox 360's to get CPU Upgrade - Apr 24, 2006 Microsoft and Chartered Semiconductor announced today plans to put a 65-nm chip inside of Microsoft s Xbox 360. The 65-nm chip


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