Tuesday, May 02, 2006

[Latest CPU] - - Researcher: Oracle Needs To Patch 44 More Bugs

Researcher: Oracle Needs To Patch 44 More Bugs
Information Week - A German security researcher said this weekend that Oracle products, particularly its flagship database, are vulnerable to 44 bugs, the oldest reported to the Redwood Shores, Calif. developer two-and-a-half years ago, the newest submitted 12 days ago

Solaris 10 to Get Its New 128-Bit File System
eWeek - Users of Sun Microsystems' supported Solaris 10 operating system will finally get the new 128-bit ZFS (zettabyte file system), which brings virtually unlimited data capacity. Sun executives will use the Network Computing event in Washington on May 2

Thermal grease theory
ZDNet Blogs -

Thermal grease theory by ZDNet's Jason D. O'Grady -- There's a theory making the rounds that the MacBook Pro's high temperatures are


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