Tuesday, May 02, 2006

[Latest CPU] - - FabFilter Releases Updates For FabFilter Twin, Volcano, And One

FabFilter Releases Updates For FabFilter Twin, Volcano, And One
Harmony Central - May 02 8:06 AM
FabFilter has released updates to all of its products. The new versions contain bug fixes as well as improvements and new features. The OS X versions of the plug-ins are now Universal Binaries that can be used on both PowerPC and Intel Macs.Save to My Web

QuickQuak Updates RaySpace To Version 2.3
Harmony Central - Apr 30 8:06 AM
RaySpace, the world's only real-time impulse response designer, has been updated. You can now export the current impulses to be used in convolution reverbs. Edit, listen, then quickly export impulses as full 32 bit, 5 channel reverb outputs.Save to My Web

Oracle set to become probably the most important player in the BI market
IT-Analysis - 1 hour, 36 minutes ago
What would happen if the people with one of the best databases for business intelligence were to add tools and applications of a similar class?Save to My Web

Intel to ship Conroe processors by July
Personal Computer World - Apr 28 3:11 AM
Intel has given firmer release dates for its next generation of processors, with server CPU Woodcrest to launch this quarter and Conroe in July. In a meeting with financial analysts, Paul Otellini, Intel chief executive, said that the firm is moving rapidly to a next-generation design.Save to My Web

Samsung's Q1 UMPC to start selling at Best Buy
TG Daily - May 01 5:24 PM
Samsung has announced that it will start selling the Q1 ultra mobile PC (UMPC) at Best Buy. The Q1 is a small keyboard-less computer that will play back music and videos, but will also have some horsepower to do work. To kick off the US launch, Samsung, along with executives from Intel and Microsoft demoed the product to the gawking press in San Francisco. Save to My Web


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